
狼疮性肾炎患者Th1、Th17及Th22细胞亚群的变化及临床意义 被引量:3

Change of Th1, Th17 and Th22 cells in peripheral blood of patients with lupus nephritis and its clinical implication
摘要 目的研究狼疮性肾炎(LN)患者外周血辅助性T细胞1(Th1)、辅助性T细胞17(Th17)和辅助性T细胞22(Th22)及其细胞因子干扰素一1(IFN一1)、白细胞介素17(IL-17)和白细胞介素22(1L-17)的表达情况及其临床意义。方法流式细胞术检测20例LN患者组和20例健康对照组外周血中Th1、Th17和Th22细胞比例;酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测血清中相关细胞因子IFN-1、IL-17及IL-22水平,并进行相关性分析。结果相较健康对照组,LN组外周血中Th17细胞比例增高(P〈0.05),Th22细胞比例减低(P〈0.05),而Th1细胞比例无差异(P〉0.05);LN组血清中IL-17水平增高(P〈0.05),IL-22水平减低(P〈0.05),而IFN-γ水平无差异(P〈0.05);Th17细胞比例分别与血清IL-17、系统性红斑狼疮疾病活动指数(SLEDAI)呈正相关(r=0.721,P〈0.05;r=0.225,P〈0.05),而Th22细胞比例与血清IL-22水平呈正相关(r=0.489,P〈0.05)与SLEDAI评分无相关性(r=0.241,P〉0.05)。结论Th17及Th22在LN患者中异常表达可能导致患者自身免疫功能紊乱,促进疾病病理损伤。 Objective To investigate the expression of T-he1per (Th)1, Th17 and Th22 ce11s in periphera1 b1ood and cytokines in serum of patients with 1upus nephritis (LN) and its c1inica1 significance. Methods The proportion of Th1, Th17 and Th22 cei1s in periphera1 b1ood of 20 LN patients and 20 hea1thy contro1s were eva1uated by f1ow cytometry; the concentration of cytokines inc1uding interferon (IFN)- γ, inter1eukin (IL)-17 and IL-22 were measured by ELISA. The corre1ation between proportion of Th17 and Th22 ce11s and IL-17, IL-22, systemic 1upus erythematosus disease activity index (SLEDAI) were ana1yzed. Resu1ts The proportion of Th17 ce11s increased (P 〈 0.05), the proportion of Th22 ce11s decreased (P 〈 0.05), the proportion of Th1 ce11s did not change too much (P 〉 0.05) in LN patients compared with hea1thy contro1s; the concentration of serum IL-17 increased (P 〈 0.05), the concentration of serum IL-22 decreased (P 〈 0.05), the concentration of serum IFN- γ did not change too much (P 〉 0.05) in LN patients compared with hea1thy contro1s. The proportion of Th17 ce11s corre1ated positive1y with concentration of serum IL-17 and SLEDAI in LN patients (r = 0.721, P 〈 0.05; r = 0.225, P 〈 0.05). There was a positive corre1ation between the proportion of Th22 ce11s and concentration of serum IL-22 (r = 0.489, P 〈 0.05), no statistica1 corre1ation between the proportion of Th22 ce11s and SLEDAI (r = 0.241, P 〉 0.05). Conc1usion The abnorma1 expression of Th 17 and Th22 may p1ay an important ro1e in LN disease pathogenicity.
出处 《国际医药卫生导报》 2014年第24期3682-3685,共4页 International Medicine and Health Guidance News
基金 广东省科技计划项目(粤科规划字[2013]137号) 广东省医学科研基金项目(A2012221)
关键词 狼疮性肾炎 辅助性T细胞1 辅助性T细胞17 辅助性T细胞22 Lupus nephritis T-helper 1 T-helper 17 T-helper 22
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