目的比较妇科手术切口不同缝合方法的临床效果,提出操作简单、疗效好的缝合方法。方法将300名患者分成对照组和观察组对象对比研究。结果研究发现腹部切口在皮肤及皮下组织层彻底止血的情况下,可不缝合皮下组织及皮肤,仅用一次性皮肤吻合器,每间隔1.0 cm订合皮肤1针,切口表面覆盖敷料,腹带加压固定24 h,术前30 min及术后2天静脉应用抗生素,预防感染,定期更换敷料,并予以对症支持治疗,皮下组织均可自然愈合。结论不缝合皮下组织及皮肤可缩短手术时间,减少术后线结反应,且切口愈合美观,深受广大患者接受。
Objective To present easy-operating suture method with good effect through comparing clinical results of different surgical incision suture methods .Methods We conducted comparative study based on the 300 patients that were divided into the traditional group and observation group .Results We found that in the case of complete hemostasis for abdominal incision skin and subcutaneous tissue layer , it is not necessary to suture the subcutaneous tissue and skin .Subcutaneous tissue can naturally heal with the treatment of using disposable skin stapler to staple skin a needle at 1.0cm intervals, and cutting surface covering dressings , followed by athletic pressure fixed for 24h, and with intravenous antibiotics to prevent infection 30 min before and 2 days after surgery as well as periodic replacement of the dressing and symptomatic and supportive treatment .Conclusions The no-suturing method can effectively shorten the operation time , reduce postoperative knot response , and embellish wound, which is popular in the patients .
Journal of Qiqihar Medical University