
美国在沙特军事基地的战略演变 被引量:1

On the Strategic Evolution of the US Military Bases in Saudi Arabia
摘要 美国在沙特的军事部署经历了前沿行动基地、主要行动基地与合作安全基地三个阶段。决定其战略部署的主要因素包括美沙共同应对伊朗拥核崛起、伊拉克安全局势的恶化和海湾地区恐怖主义威胁的上升等。美国在沙特的军事基地加深了美国、沙特和伊朗之间的安全困境。同时,由于美沙双方在安全领域存在结构性互补关系,未来军事合作仍是美沙全方位合作的重点领域。 The US military deployment in Saudi Arabia has so far gone through three stages of forward operating site, main operating base, and cooperative security location successively, which is driven by their common security concerns of possible rising nuclear Iran, deteriorating Iraqi security situation, and the escalating terrorist threat inside the Gulf, etc. On the one hand, the US military bases in Saudi Arabia have worsened the security dilemma among Washington, Riyadh, and Tehran. On the other hand, due to the structural complimentarity between the US and Saudi Arabia, military cooperation remains the key domain of their multi-dimensional ties in the years to come.
出处 《阿拉伯世界研究》 北大核心 2014年第6期53-69,共17页 Arab World Studies
基金 国家社科基金项目(13CGJ042)的前期成果 教育部"新世纪优秀人才支持计划"(NCET) "上海市浦江人才计划"(14PJC092) 上海高校一流学科(政治学)资助
关键词 美国军事基地 美国与沙特 海湾安全 大国与中东 US Military Bases US and Saudi Arabia Gulf Security Great Powers and the Middle East
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