This paper deals with the issue of preparation of the aiming angles with the use of tabular firing tables and needed determination of the ballistic elements μ_B(ballistic wind w_B,w_(xB),w_(ZB),ballistic(virtual) temperature τ_B.ballistic density p_B) from the standardized met messages.The weighting factors are used for the calculation of ballistic elements μ_B that are incorporated into the trajectory calculations characteristics of weapon and ammunition.Two different methodologies practically used in the praxis are analysed and compared.For the comparison of the two methodologies the reference height of trajectory determined from the weighting factor functions is employed.On the basis of the analyses conducted,the potential for further increase in accuracy of these aiming angles preparation methods is pointed out.
This paper deals with the issue of preparation of the aiming angles with the use of tabular firing tables and needed determination of the ballistic elements μB (ballistic wind wB Wxm WzB, ballistic (virtual) temperature τB, ballistic density ρB) from the standardized met messages. The weighting factors are used for the calculation of ballistic elementsμB that are incorporated into the trajectory calculations characteristics of weapon and ammunition. Two different methodologies practically used in the praxis are analysed and compared. For the comparison of the two methodologies the reference height of trajectory determined from the weighting factor functions is employed. On the basis of the analyses conducted, the potential for further increase in accuracy of these aiming angles preparation methods is pointed out.
support of financial means from the industrial research project of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic-project code VG20122015076:"Two survey points range-finding system utilization for perimeter security(screen)"
the Research project for the development of the Department of Weapons and Ammunition,Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defence,Brno,PRO K-201
Exterior ballistics
Met message
Weighting factor function
Reference height of trajectory
Met error budget