40%嘧菌酯·戊唑醇悬浮剂对苹果斑点落叶病田间药效试验结果表明:40%嘧菌酯·戊唑醇悬浮剂3 000倍、4 000倍、5 000倍液对苹果斑点落叶病的田间防效分别为91.0%、89.8%、87.3%,均高于多抗霉素的防效,各处理间有极显著差异,在红富士苹果上安全无药害,可以推广应用。
The results of field control effect of 40% azoxystrobin tebuconazole SC on apple A hernaria leaf spots showed that when the concentration of 40%azoxystrobin tebuconazole SC was diluted into 3000 times,4 000 times and 5 000 times,the field effects on the apple A ltermaria leaf spots were 91.0%、89.8%、87.3%respectively,and were all higher than that of polyoxin.It had significant differences between all the treatment.40%azoxystrobin tebuconazole SC was safe for Fuji apple without any injury and could be widely applied.
Modern Agricultural Science and Technology