

Experimental study on the characteristics between the flow pattern and wheel sensor in oil-water two-phase flow in vertical upward tube
摘要 涡轮传感器作为流量计被广泛应用在测井仪器中,油水两相流流动对涡轮传感器测量的影响以及涡轮传感器对油水两相流流动特性的影响对产出剖面测井作用很大。通过垂直小管径实验装置中涡轮传感器在油水两相中响应频率的测量及PCI信息采集系统对涡轮响应频率信号进行分析。利用高速摄像的方法在涡轮传感器上下两端进行拍摄,记录并分析油水两相流流动特性。结果表明,涡轮传感器在油水两相流中的转动受流型影响很小,但油水两相流动特性受涡轮传感器影响较大。油水总流量10 m3/d时,涡轮传感器对流体流动特性影响最小。油水总流量小于10 m3/d时,涡轮传感器对油滴的聚集效果大于打散效果,过涡轮传感器后油滴粒径变大,数量变少;油水总流量大于10 m3/d时,涡轮传感器对油滴的打散效果大于聚集效果,油滴粒径变小,数量较多。据此,更直观地分析仪器通道内涡轮传感器对油水两相流流动特性的影响,为测井新仪器的制造与优化提供有利的依据。 The mutual influence between the flow characteristics of oil-water two phase flow and the turbine sensor can greatly affect the results of the production profile logging. The upper and lower ends of the turbine sensor was filmed by high speed camera with which the flow characteristics of oil-water two phase flow was recorded. The results show that When the flow rate is 10 m3/d,the turbine sensor has a smallest influence on the flow characteristics. When the flow rate is less than 10 m3/d,gathering effect of the turbine sensor is greater then the scattering effect. The oil drop becomes fewer and its diameter becomes larger when go through the turbine sensor. When the flow rate is more than 10 m3/d,scattering effect of the turbine sensor is greater then the gathering effect. The oil drop becomes more and its diameter becomes smaller. In view of the above,we can analyze flow characteristics of oil-water two phase flow in production logging instruments intuitively.
作者 王鹏程
出处 《石油仪器》 2014年第5期67-70,10,共4页 Petroleum Instruments
关键词 垂直上升管 涡轮传感器 油水两相流 流动特性 高速摄像 vertical upward tube turbine sensor oil-water two phase flow flow characteristics high speed camera
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