Objective:To understand the characteristics of aetiology and epidemiology of hand-foot-mouth dis- ease(HFMD) of Yingshan County in the peak outbreak period of 2013. Method: Throat swab samples were col- lected from 109 HFMD cases,and Real-time PCR were executed to detect nucleic acid. Result: Among 109 HFMD samples, 74.3% were infected by universal enterovirus virus, 57.8% were infected by EV71,17.4% were infec- ted by CA16, and 11% were cases infected by both EV71 and CA16. The peak incidence of HFMD appeared in the age groups of 1-4 years and most of them were from home and kindergarten, and the number of boys was lar- ger than that of girls. Fever was significantly more frequent in patients with EV71 than patients with CA16 infec- tion. Conclusion: HMFD in Yingshan County were mainly caused by EVT1 during the peak outbreak period of 2013. Understanding the composition of pathogen and characteristics of epidemiology will provide laboratory data for the epidemic control and patient care.
Journal of Clinical Hematology(Blood Transfusion & Laboratory Medicine)