应用25%噻嗪酮可湿性粉剂在核桃桑盾蚧越冬代成虫期和第一代若虫期进行了林间防治试验,结果表明:25%噻嗪酮可湿性粉剂对桑盾蚧成虫没有杀灭作用,但对下一代若虫有一定的控制作用,100,200,400倍液喷雾防治控制效果分别为86.17%,74.57和64.25%,在生产中应用以100倍液效果最好;在若虫期施药对若虫的杀灭效果非常明显,500,1 000,1 500,2 000倍液防治效果分别为95.65%,95.4%,84.34%和65.94%,其中500,1 000倍液防治效果达到了95%以上,在生产上推广使用以1 000倍液浓度为宜。
25% buprofezin WP were applied to control the overwintering adults and the first generation nymphs of wal- nut mulberry scale. The results show that 25% buprofezin WP had no killing effect on Mulberry scale adults, but had some control effect on the next generation nymphs; The control effect of spraying by the liquid Of 100, 200, 400 times of 25% buprofezin WP were 86.17%, 74.57 and 64.25% respectively, and the effect of the liquid of 100 times of 25% bu- profezin WP was the best if the insecticide is applied in actual production; It had very obvious killing effect on the nymphs when applied in the nymph stage, and the control effect of the liquid of 500, 1 000, 1 500, 2 000 times of the pesticide were 95.65%, 95.4%, 84.34% and 65.94% respectively, and that of the liquid of 500, 1 000 times reached more than 95%, and the concentration of 1 000 times was appropriate when the insecticide was popularized and applied in actual production.
Hubei Forestry Science and Technology
mulberry scale
control test