氧化锌压敏电阻的压敏电压U1 m A和漏电流Ileak作为判断压敏电阻老化的检测参数,在及时性和有效性方面存在一定的不足,故需一种新的方法来保证检测的及时有效。通过对双肖特基势垒畸变理论和热破坏理论的分析,以及氧化锌压敏电阻的冲击试验,提出压敏电阻老化过程中存在电容量的变化,该变化可以作为判断老化的依据。试验证明在标称电流(In)冲击下,电容量呈现先小幅下降,后不断上升趋势,电容量和压敏电压的乘积在老化初期基本不变,老化到一定程度后急剧下降,在最大电流(Imax)冲击下,电容量快速上升且电容量和压敏电压的乘积不断下降,得出结合电容量能够更及时有效地衡量压敏电阻的老化程度。在压敏电阻的实际检测中,具有一定的参考意义和实用价值。
Up to now,the parameters of U1 mA and Ileak are used to judge the degradation degree of ZnO varistor which has shortcomings on timeliness and effectiveness. A new method is needed to ensure the detection timely and efficiently. Through the study of the double Schottky barrier distortion of the grain boundary and the theory of heat destruction, as well as the impulse current experiments on ZnO varistors, it is concluded that there is capacitance variation during the conditioning of the varistor and such capacitance variation can be as the judgment basis to the degradation degree. The impulse experiment proves tha,under the nominal current In,the capacitance will firstly decrease a little,and the increase continuously; The product of U1 ~A and capacitance is almost a constant at the beginning of conditioning, but it drops sharply after some time of conditioning. At the maximum current (Imax) ,the capacitance increases quickly and the product of U1 mA and capacitance drops constantly. So it is better to combine the capacitance with the product of U1 mA and capacitance to estimate the degradation degree of ZnO varisto. This conclusion has some referential and practical value for the actual detection of ZnO varistor.
Insulators and Surge Arresters