

Theory of Insurance Arbitrage and the Modern Insurance Services Industry Development Strategy
摘要 保险套利是在基本功能的基础上,消费者以主观编辑后的风险概率和风险损失为依据,追求更少的保费支出和保险理赔,进而实现消费者剩余最大化和额外保险收益的行为。由于主观编辑可能存在的非理性,也很容易导致保险套利思维下较低的选择效力和较大的效率损失。加快现代保险服务业的发展,不仅需要尊重消费者期望效用最大化追求的意愿,也应该根据消费者保险选择的形成机制,采取积极有效的非理性纠偏措施,将保险产品回归到其基本功能,建立供需双方的互信机制,推动我国现代保险服务业的可持续健康发展,构建与经济社会发展需求相适应的现代保险服务业。 Insurance arbitrage is to pursue the maximum consumer surplus and additional insurance profits by less premium and more claims through subjective editing of risk probability and loss based on the basic function of insurance. There are also exist lower choice effectiveness and big efficiency loss under the thoughts of insurance arbitrage because of irrational subjective editing. To speed up the development of modern insurance services, it is necessary to respect the wishes of pursuing consumers" maximum expected utility, and take irrationality rectifying measures to return the basic function of insurance products according to the insurance consumer choice mechanism. Mutual trust mechanism of supply and demand should be established to promote the sustainable and healthy development of China modern insurance services and construct modern insurance services suitable to economic and social development requirements.
作者 吴传俭
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 2014年第11期85-89,共5页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(11YJCZH186) 全国统计科学研究计划项目(2013LY041)
关键词 保险套利 保险理赔 保险产品 现代保险 Insurance arbitrage Insurance claim Insurance product Modem Insurance
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