Zein is the major component of corn gluten meal (CGM), which is a co-product of corn wet milling. CGMs poor water-solu- bility, caused by its high content of hydrophobic amino acid, limits its broad applications in food industry. In the present work, zein was hydrolyzed moderately by two endo proteases alcalase and protamex respectively to improve water-solubility of the protein. The molecu- lar weight distributions of the zein hydrolysates with different de- grees of hydrolysis (DH) were determined by gel filtration chromatography (GFC) and their characteristics were analyzed carefully. The results showed that both of alcalase and protamex could improve the water-solubility of zein obviously, and the hydrolysis of zein by alcalase was more violent than that of protamex at the same DH. During the hydrolysis process, aggregated zein, first of all, was un- folded by the proteases, and along with the hydrolysis going, the molecular weight distributions of the zein hydrolysates decreased gradually. Based on the manufacture's requirements for protein s mo- lecular weight, all of the zein hydrolysate with different molecular weight distribution could be applied in the food industry.
Food and Machinery