研究了共沉积法制备Ni-Fe-Cr多孔耐热泡沫合金过程中,工艺参数对Ni-Fe-Cr合金镀层中Cr、Fe质量分数的影响,利用能量色射谱仪(EDS)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、金相显微镜及扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分别对镀层成分、微观结构及其形貌进行分析。同时,对Ni-Fe-Cr多孔泡沫合金试样进行了耐热性能测试。研究表明,Cr Cl3·6H2O 160 g/L,阴极电流密度24A/dm2,镀液p H值2.0,温度30℃。在优化参数下,电镀30 min,可制得Cr质量分数为21.4%,Fe质量分数为43.6%的Ni-Fe-Cr多孔泡沫合金。经测试,Ni-Fe-Cr多孔泡沫合金表面由紧密排列的球形颗粒组成,并形成了面心立方微观结构,具有良好的耐热性。
Porous Ni-Fe-Cr foam alloys prepared under different electroplating conditions, the effects of concen- tration of CrC13·6H20, current density, pH value and temperature of plating solution on the compositions of the coatings were studied by energy dispersive spectrometer, and the microstructure and surface morphologies of the coatings were observed by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy, optical microscopy and scanning electron mi- croscope. The heat-resistance property of the porous foam alloys was tested. Experiment results show that the Ni-Fe-Cr alloy coating layer by a dense arrangement and a face centered cubic structure which has good heat-re- sistance properties with 21.4wt% Cr and 43.6wt% Fe was obtained using the solution containing 160 g/L of CrC13·6H20 with pH value of 2.0 and current density of 24 A/din2 at 30 ℃ for thirty minutes.
Journal of Functional Materials