
维吾尔族和汉族青年在姿势性微笑时微笑弧的研究分析 被引量:2

Comparison of Smile Arcs under Posed Smile between Uygur Youths and Han Youths
摘要 目的:研究新疆维吾尔族和汉族青年在保持姿势性微笑时微笑线的弧度,对微笑弧的协调性进行评价。方法:从新疆医科大学学生中选取63位维吾尔族受试者(30位男性和33位女性)以及71位汉族受试者(36位男性和35位女性),对他们的姿势性微笑拍摄数码照片。通过MathGV4.0和Coredraw 9.0图像处理软件,对数码图片进行定点、测量、分析。所有照片均由同一位口腔医师使用同一台计算机在连续的时间内完成。结果:维吾尔族男性平均微笑弧比率(1.58±0.47),维吾尔族女性平均微笑弧比率(1.31±0.33)有统计学差异(P<0.05);汉族男性平均微笑弧比率(1.54±0.47)和汉族女性平均微笑弧比率(1.29±0.09)有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论:无论是汉族还是维吾尔族,女性微笑弧协调性比男性更好。在姿势性微笑下的微笑弧形态和性别相关。 Objective:To explore the curvature of smile line of Xinjiang Uygur youths and Han youths while maintaining posed smile.To evaluate the aesthetic differences of smile arcs.Methods:63Uygur college Students(30males and 33females)and 71 Han college Students(36males and 35females)were selected from Xinjiang Medical University,taken digital photos of their smiling under posed smile.All photos were measured and analysed by one experienced dentist through the same computer using MathGV 4.0and Coredraw 9.0image software in a continuous period.Results:The average smile arcs ratio of Uygur male was 1.58±0.47,and the average smile arcs ratio of Uygur female was 1.31±0.33,which were statistically different(P〈0.05).The average smile arcs ratio of Han male was 1.54±0.47,and the average smile arcs ratio of Han female was 1.29±0.09,which were significantly different(P〈0.05).Conclusion:Whether Han youths or Uygur youths,female had more harmony smile arcs than male.Smile arcs shape of posed smile were associated with gender.
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 2014年第10期978-981,共4页 Journal of Oral Science Research
基金 新疆医科大学第一附属医院科研奖励基金(编号:2012YFY11) 浙江省科技厅公益项目(编号:2012C33100)
关键词 维吾尔族 汉族 微笑弧 姿势性微笑 Uygur Han Smile arcs Posed smile
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