

The Rise and Development of Membrane Biology in Institute of Biophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
摘要 生物膜研究是现代生物学研究的前沿方向之一,本文对文革结束以后生物膜研究在中国科学院生物物理研究所(下称生物物理所)的兴起与发展进行了系统回顾.文革结束后,中国科学院领导了解到国外生物膜研究迅速发展的情况,迅即派遣以生物物理所杨福愉为组长,包括生物化学研究所、动物研究所、植物研究所、上海实验生物研究所等六人的代表团前往联邦德国进行考察.考察结束后院领导根据多学科交叉对生物膜研究的重要作用,组织了生物物理所、植物所、中国医学科学院、北京医科大学等单位联合申报国家自然科学基金委员会重大项目"膜脂-膜蛋白的相互作用及其在医学和农业上的应用",并获得立项.与此同时,院领导建议由中国生物物理学会、中国生化学会和中国细胞生物学会共同组织生物膜学术讨论会.首次会议于1979年3月在北京友谊宾馆举行,以后每3年召开1次,从未中断,有力地促进了生物膜研究的交流与发展.2003年举行的第200届香山会议专门组织讨论21世纪生物膜研究在中国的布局,进一步推动了生物膜研究的发展.本文还重点阐述了中国科学院生物物理研究所在生物膜研究方面所取得的代表性成果:a.金属离子通过膜脂-膜蛋白相互作用调控生物膜能量转换、物质运输及信号转导的分子机制;b.提出"克山病是一种心肌线粒体病"的重要观点;c.发现溶酶体内含有为量甚微、一般认为是消化酶的胰凝乳蛋白酶,并阐明了它通过溶酶体膜外泄后参与细胞凋亡的作用机制;d.确定了通过调控线粒体动态变化而干预肿瘤细胞迁移侵袭的新靶标.最后,特别值得一提的是,2004年,常文瑞与植物研究所匡廷云等在《自然》(Nature)发表了《菠菜中主要捕光色素复合体2.72魡分辨率的晶体结构分析》的研究论文,2005年饶子和与徐建兴等在《细胞》(Cell)发表了《猪心� Biomembrane research is one of the leading edges of modem biology. Here the rise and development of biomembrane research in Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences after the "Cultural Revolution"was reviewed. After the termination of the "Cultural Revolution", the leaders of Chinese Academy of Sciences became aware of the rapid progress ofbiomembrane research in other countries. A deputation led by YANG Fu-Yu from Institute of Biophysics with five other scientists from Institute of Biochemistry, Institute of Zoology, Institute of Botany, and Institute of Experimental Biology visited the Federal Republic of Germany. After their visitation, the leaders of Chinese Academy of Sciences realized the importance of multidisciplinary integration for biomembrane research, and organized an inter-institutional team composed of scientists from Institute of Biophysics, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Beijing Medical University. The inter-institutional team proposed a keynote research project entitled "The interaction between membrane lipids and membrane proteins and its application in medicine and agriculture", and got funded from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. At the same time, the leaders of Chinese Academy of Sciences suggested the Biophysical Society of China, the Chinese Society of Biochemistry and the Chinese Society for Cell Biology host the symposium on biomembrane research. The First National Symposium on Biomembrane was held in march 1979 in Beijing Friendship Hotel and the follow-up symposiums were held every three years and never been discontinued. This series of symposiums significantly promotes the development of biomembrane research and communication in China. In 2003, the 200th Xiangshan Science Conference was held with the topic "Biomembrane research in the 21 st Centry", which carried the biomembrane research in China a step forward. The key findings in membrane biology by Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, were a
作者 杨福愉
出处 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期972-982,共11页 Progress In Biochemistry and Biophysics
关键词 生物膜 多学科交叉 多单位协作 biomembrane, multidisciplinary integration, cooperation
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