采用典型建筑废弃物(废弃粉煤灰砖、红砖等)为吸附剂,研究其对正磷酸盐态磷(PO43--P)的静态吸附特性、作为多级垂直流人工湿地(MVSF-CWs)填料的可行性及不同运行时间与水温条件下的除磷性能。结果表明,粉煤灰砖(粉末)和红砖(粉末)对PO43--P的吸附行为符合Langmuir吸附等温式,利用该式计算出其对PO43--P的吸附容量分别为44.72和35.54 mg/g。MVSF-CWs系统由4级组成,平均水力负荷0.038 m3/(m2·d)、平均水力停留时间16.7 d。MVSF-CWs系统进水TP的质量浓度为(5.83±2.36)mg/L、出水为(0.85±0.48)mg/L,平均去除率为85.4%。各级人工湿地对TP去除的贡献率分别为33.6%、55.8%、2.5%、8.1%,其中第2级(废弃粉煤灰砖为填料)对磷的去除最为显著。不同水温条件下,MVSF-CWs系统除磷结果表明:当水温θ>30℃、20℃<θ<30℃、10℃<θ<20℃及θ<10℃时,TP的平均去除率分别为91.83%、87.52%、82.61%及78.39%。TP去除率随水温下降而降低,表明水温对多级垂直流人工湿地除磷效率有显著影响。
The behaviors of orthophosphate(PO43-P) adsorption on the typical constructed solid waste(CSW)(waste fly-ash brick and red brick) was investigated using batch test. The feasibility of the typical CSW employed as main substrate and the P removal performance of a multi-stage vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland system(MVSF-CWs) were investigated under different operation time and water temperature. The results showed that the experimental data from adsorption tests fit well the Langmuir isotherm. The adsorption capacity at different initial PO43-P concent can be calculated through the Langmuir isotherm and the obtained results showed that the PO43-P adsorption capacity of the fly-ash brick and red brick was 44.72 and 35.54mg/g, respectively. A four-stage MVSF-CWs system was developed and the system was operated under the average hydraulic loading rate(HLR) of 0.76m3/(m2·d) i.e. average HRT of 16.7 d. The results showed the mass concentration of TP in the influent was(5.83±2.36) mg/L while the concentration in the effluent was(0.85±0.48) mg/L. The average TP removal efficiency of the MVSF-CWs system was 85.4%. The TP removal efficiency in each stage of the treatment system was 33.6%, 55.8%, 2.5% and 8.1%, respectively. The second stage, where fly-ash brick were acted as main substrate, was likely to contribute significantly to P removal in the system. The TP removal efficiency of the treatment system was 91.83%, 87.52%, 82.61% and 78.39%,respectively, at water temperature of above 30 ℃, 20 to 30 ℃, 10 ℃ to 20 ℃ and below 10 ℃. The TP removal efficiency was found to decrease significantly with decreasing water temperature. This indicates that water temperature has a greater effect on TP removal efficiency of the MVSF-CWs system.
Technology of Water Treatment
constructed wetland
construction solid waste
phosphorus adsorption
phosphorus removal