
面向大规模数据中心的常量度数互连网络研究 被引量:4

Constant Degree Network for Massively Data Center
摘要 如何高效互连大规模服务器是数据中心网络面临的一个重要挑战.目前提出的新型数据中心网络结构主要是通过增加服务器的网络端口数来扩展数据中心的规模,导致扩展的局限性和管理的复杂性.为此,如何设计由固定网络端口数的服务器互连而成的、具有常量度数的数据中心网络结构意义重大.提出了一种新型的面向大规模数据中心的常量度数互连网络结构CH(conjugate hypercube),该结构以固定网络端口数的服务器为中心,采用多层次互连实现了可扩展性和性能之间的平衡.理论分析和实验结果表明,该互连网络在不增加服务器网络端口数的前提下,可有效支持大规模数据中心高带宽、高容错的多模式数据通信;同时,具有良好的可部署性和可维护性. An important challenge on designing data center networking (DCN) is how to efficiently interconnect a large number of servers. Traditional tree-based structures are increasingly difficult to meet the design goals of data centers. Recently, a number of novel DCNs are proposed. However, these DCNs expand the scale of data center mainly by increasing the number of server's network interface card (NIC) ports, which brings expanding limitation and managing complexity. Consequently, it is meaningful and challenging to design a scalable structure for data centers, using only the commodity servers with fixed number of NIC ports and low-end, multi-port commodity switches. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel DCN structure with constant degree called CH, which utilizes fixed number of NIC ports and commodity switches to interconnect large population of servers. The structure is server-centric, and leverages the expansibility and performance using multi-level interconnection. They own two potential benefits, i. e. , the expansibility and equal degree. Theoretical analysis and experiment results show that CH has excellent topology properties and can provide large data center with multi-pattern data traffic with high bandwidth and high fault- tolerance, but without increasing the number of NIC ports. Moreover, the modularity makes the structure have good deployablility and maintainability.
出处 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期2437-2447,共11页 Journal of Computer Research and Development
基金 国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划重点基金项目(2009AA012201) 国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划基金项目(2011AA01A203)
关键词 数据中心网络 拓扑结构 常量度数 以服务器为中心 多路径 data center networking (DCN) topology structure constant degree server-centric multi-path
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