Chaozhou Gece are a kind of traditional folk art, and were traditionally popular in Chaoshan area. As a feminized folk artistic form, it expresses a distinctly female element of Chaozhou ethos and culture. There is a natural link between Chaozhou women and Gece. As seen from the oral interviews, marital status and age determine women's performance in the inheritance of Gece. Before marriage, as simply a daughter unburdened with family responsibilities, they have time to sing Gece. That is the period they are most fascinated with it. After marriage, with multiple roles as wife, daughter-in-law and mother, women are busy raising children and doing housework, and consequently are distanced from Gece. Then in their middle and old age, they have free time to pick it up again because their children have grown up and the housework is reduced. But with the changes of time and popular interest, the people and the space that Gece rely upon for survival have been steadily diminished. This traditional folk art is now on the verge of extinction.
Journal of Shantou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)