为了实现在低功耗前提下将有效数据以无线方式进行传输,设计了一种基于超低功耗MSP430微控制器和无线收发模块CC1101的无线传输系统,该系统利用MSP430灵活的定时器和CC1101特有的电磁波唤醒(Wake On Radio,WOR)功能,最终实现了单片机在超低功耗前提下将数据在电脑上显示出来。其中,WOR实现的难点是对CC1101寄存器的配置,以及其从深度睡眠模式唤醒时间和开始接收数据模式的时间的计算。
In order to achieve the effective data's transmission by radio under the low power consumption, a wireless transmission system is designed based on low-power MSP430 microcontroller and wireless transceiver module CC1101. The system uses the functions of MSP430's flexible timer and CC1101's Wake On Radio(WOR) to achieve the data display on the computer under ultra low power of MCU. The difficulties of WOR realization include that the configuration of CC1101's registers and the calculations of the time such as waking up from deep sleep mode and starting the data reception mode.
Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems