华裔女性作家及其作品在美国文学及文化研究领域受到越来越多的重视。然而,国内学者对华裔美国作家,尤其是女性作家及作品的研究还处在起步阶段,对于亚裔女性同性恋作家及其作品的研究和论述则更是凤毛麟角。文章拟对亚裔女作家崔洁芬(Kitty Tsui)的写作运用怪异理论和女性主义文学理论进行研究与分析。作为华裔女性和一位同性恋者,崔洁芬当属社会"非主流",饱受社会主流文化的忽视,甚或蔑视和歧视。在其作品里,崔洁芬重点描述对种族歧视、性别歧视、异性恋霸权主导、同性恋憎恶和同性恋歧视的反抗,同时讴歌赞美同性恋者间爱情之美、之真、之纯。借助其作品,崔洁芬试图构建华裔美国女同性恋者在美国社会的独立主体地位和身份。
Nowadays more and more concerns have been cast on female Chinese American writers and their works .However ,in China's Mainland the study and research on both the writers and their works have just started .Little Attention has been paid to Asian lesbian writers and their works .The paper first introduces Kitty Tsui and her works ,and then analyzes her works from the perspectives of queer theory and feminist approach .Being a lesbian ,Ms .Tsui has suffered much injustice and discriminations from mainstream of the society ,and she also found it challenging and difficult that lesbians may enjoy the equality or respect . In her works ,Ms .Tsui describes the struggle against racial discrimination ,hegemony of heterosexuality , homophobia and homodiscrimination and highly praises the true and pure love between lesbians .She has also devoted to establish the self-identity for lesbian groups .
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)