
基于Stroop效应和SNARC效应的大数量自动加工研究 被引量:2

Automatic Processing of Large Number: Based on Stroop Effect and SNARC Effect
摘要 在数字自动加工研究中,已有研究的实验对象一般局限在小数量数字上,大数量数字加工中是否也存在自动激活现象尚未获得实验证据。本研究以大数量为研究对象,以Stroop效应和SNARC效应为自动加工的指标,实验1发现,无论是数字语义比较还是数字个数比较,都出现了典型的数字Stroop效应;实验2的结果表明,在大数量个数的比较任务中存在SNARC效应和顺序效应。由实验结果初步推断,在大数量加工中也存在无关维度数量信息的自动激活。 In recent years, in number cognitive domain numerical Stroop paradigm was used to study the relationship of numerical semantic and numerical physical size in number process. In addition to Stroop effect, SNARC effect was also an important index of number automatic processing. Based on existing fi ndings, this study conducted two experiments to explore whether large numbers could be activated automatically. By using Stroop effect as index, the fi rst experiment explored whether the number of numeral and number semantic could produce interference and facilitation; the second experiment explored whether the number(i.e., quantity of asterisks) represented spacially by using SNARC effect as index. Experiment 1 was divided into two parts. In fi rst part subjects were asked to compare the numerical semantic of standard stimulus with that of comparing stimuli, but to ignore the numbers of numeral. The second part took the reverse procedure. The results indicated that the main effect of task type was not signifi cant, F(1, 19) =.030, p〉.01, the main effect of Stroop effect( between accord and disaccord) was signifi cant, F(1, 19) = 83.838, p 〈.001. The results suggested that the response speed of numeral semantic comparison was infl uenced by the number of numeral. In detail, under accord condition(i.e. smaller numeral matched with less numerals, bigger numeral matched with more numerals), response was quicker, otherwise, response was slower. Stroop effect of numeral semantic comparison was about 15 ms(461ms and 476 ms respectively). In the task of numeral number comparison, the response was infl uenced by numeral semantic, under accord condition, response was quicker, under disaccord condition, response was slower. Stroop effect of numeral number comparison was about 24 ms(459ms and 483 ms respectively). Average error rate was analyzed by repetitive measure ANOVA. Main effect of task type was signifi cant, F(1, 19) = 1521.000, p=.000, the error rate of numeral semantic comparison was
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期1084-1091,共8页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 江苏省教育科学"十二五"规划课题"3~9岁儿童数学认知机制与优化教育研究"(批准号:D/2011/01/108) 泰州学院2013年度教授(博士)科研基金项目"离散量加工心理机制的实验研究"(编号:TZXY2013JBJJ007)的资助
关键词 大数量 自动加工 STROOP效应 SNARC效应 large numbers automatic processing Stroop Effect SNARC Effect
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