
莫拉克台风暴雨移置香港地区的PMP分析研究 被引量:6

Study on Transposition of Taiwan Morakot Storm over Hong Kong
摘要 基于台湾66个站点年最大日雨量历史资料、台湾中央气象局2009年8月8~10日莫拉克台风暴雨期间251个台湾雨量站逐时降雨资料和香港地区65个雨量站的历史逐时降雨资料,以及与香港相邻的3个广东省雨量站(西沥站、横岗站和深圳站)资料,利用分时段地形增强因子法(SDOIF),将莫拉克台风暴雨最大24h实测暴雨中的辐合雨分量分割,并将其辐合雨成分移置到香港地区,与香港地区24h平均地形增强因子相结合,估算出香港地区的可能最大降水.结果显示,莫拉克最大24h降雨量中地形的增强幅度约为45%;得出香港地区最大24h平均可能最大降水分布图,其最大中心值1230.2mm(未考虑水汽放大),与香港地区历史暴雨中心一致,均发生在大帽山附近. In this paper, the step-duration-orographic-intensification-factor (SDOIF) method is adopted to study the transposition of Taiwan Morakot storm over Hong Kong based on 66 stations of Taiwan with historical hourly data, storm observations during the period of Morakot storm invasion of Taiwan (2009.8.8-10) at 251 ground stations over Taiwan, 65 Hong Kong stations with histori- cal data length more than 18-year and 3 stations from Guangdong (Xili, Shiyan and Shenzhen stations). By using the SDOIF method, the maximum 24h rainfall of Morakot can be separated into the convergence component and the orographic component; a generalized convergence isohyetal pattern for the Taiwan Island based on the Morakot convergence components can be derived; transpose this generalized convergence isohyetal pattern onto the corresponding SDOIF of Hong Kong; then the embryonic PMP dis- tribution can be obtained. It is found that the orographic intensified the maximum 24h rainfall of Morakot by 45%; the maximum (1230.2 mm) of the derived embryonic PMP distribution over Hong Kong located the same area as the storm center based on his- torical observations.
出处 《水文》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期25-30,共6页 Journal of China Hydrology
基金 香港PMP项目<PMP Updating Study> 水利部公益性行业专项经费基金资助项目(20111033)
关键词 暴雨分割 地形增强因子 辐合雨 暴雨移置 最大可能降水 storm separation step-duration-orographic-intensification-factor convergence rainfall transposition probable maximumprecipitation
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