
PSN网络中基于社会属性的消息路由 被引量:1

Message Routing Based on Social Attribute in PSN
摘要 PSN(pocket switched network)网络作为一种特殊的DTN(Delay Tolerance Network)网络,除了具有不包含持续端到端连接、高传输时延及节点资源受限的特点以外,具有更强的社会规律性.本文在研究了现有的算法的基础上,提出了一种基于社会信息的路由算法—BridgingCom.为使消息尽快从本地传递到目标节点,我们选择桥接中心度(Bridging Centrality)作为中继节点的选择依据.实验结果表明,与已有相关算法相比,本改进算法能够在网络负载较低的情况下获得较高的传输效率,较低的传输延迟. PSN (Pocket Switched Network), as a special DTN (Delay Tolerance Network), excepts for not containing the characteristics such as continuous peer to peer connection, high transmission delay and restricted node resource, it possesses stronger social regularity. In this paper, depending on the existing algorithm, we put forward a routing algorithm named BridgingCom based on the social messages. In order to transmit messages from source to destination as fast as possible, it selects the trunk node according to the bridging centrality. The experimental results show that, comparing with the existing algorithms, this algorithm can achieve higher transmission speed and lower transmission delay.
作者 蒋建峰
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2014年第11期165-168,共4页 Computer Systems & Applications
基金 江苏省青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师基金项目(SXZ201301,KY-XIZ202)
关键词 延迟容忍网络 路由算法 社团 桥接中心度 DTN routing algorithm community bridging centrality
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