目的 总结应用麦默通(mammotome)旋切系统在发现早期乳腺癌的经验.方法 对郑州大学附属郑州市中心医院临床1000例乳腺肿块患者在超声引导下应用麦默通进行微创手术,将切除的条状肿瘤组织送快速冰冻病理检查,对良性肿物,直接彻底切除;如为恶性,行保乳手术或据前哨淋巴结情况行单纯乳腺切除或乳腺癌改良根治术.结果 通过术中快速冰冻发现10例早期乳腺癌,病灶最小直径3 mm,4例为导管内癌,5例为浸润导管癌,1例为混合癌,仅1例腋窝淋巴结转移.结论 对触诊阴性的肿块不能忽视,超声引导下麦默通微创系统对于触诊阴性或多发肿块,及可疑恶性病灶,可达到定位准确,诊断明确,良性病变可达到手术切除目的,并可作为发现早期乳腺癌的重要手段.
Objective To summarize the experience of mammotome minimally invasive biopsy in detection of early breast cancer.Methods 1000 cases with breast lesions underwent minimally invasive surgery under imaging guided mammotome.Results By intraoperative frozen section,10 cases of early breast cancer was found,with 3 millimetre as the minimum lesion diameter,among whom 4 cases were intraductal carcinoma,5 cases were infiltrating ductal carcinoma,and 1 case was mixed carcinoma.Axillary lymph node metastasis was found in only 1 case.Conclusions Non-palpable small lesions cant be ignored.Ultrasound-guided mammotome minimally invasive surgery can accurately position and specifically diagnose non-palpable small lesions or multiple lesions,as well as suspicious malignant lesions.Benign lesions can be directly resected by uhrasound-guided mammotome minimally invasive surgery,which is of great value in detection of early breast cancer.
Chinese Journal of Endocrine Surgery