"sewuel"ho accident was passed one hundred days and arise 294 fatality.From the accident scene to early and command, to the subsequent treatment process of accident, All exposed to disaster management system in Korea there is a huge loophole, The accident also marks the Korean disaster management system has bright red. With the development of the economy, Social safety nets must also grow, But the actual situation is disjointed. In charge of the leadership of the act of one's own free will, Complex command system and sector coordination and other problems caused by the disaster management system vulnerability. The South Korean government said that after the accident, Will strive to improve the national disaster management system, Improve the social safety net, Efforts to buildThere is no longer"Man- made disaster"Sociology. This article explores the existence of Korean disaster management system and analysis system of, To explore the future direction of the development of disaster system. Also Hope the disaster prone Chinese government can learn from South Korea disaster management system, Explore the development direction of Disaster Policy.
Shanghai Management Science
Disaster manage-ment
South Korea's disaster management system