
Y型微通道内CO/O_2混合过程的DSMC模拟 被引量:1

DSMC Simulation of CO/O_2 Mixing Process in a Y-Shaped Micro-Channel
摘要 研究微通道中的气体混合对于微尺度下非预混燃烧的探索具有重要意义.利用直接模拟蒙特卡罗法,采用变径软球模型,数值模拟了高度为1,μm的Y型微通道内CO和O2两种气体的混合过程.结果表明,气体混合过程主要发生在Y型微通道接合区;混合长度会随壁面温度的升高而减小,随入流速度的增大而增长;当支通道夹角较大时,夹角的变化对混合过程影响较小,而当支通道夹角较小时,混合效率将随夹角的减小而明显增强. Studying gas mixing in micro-channel is of great significance for the exploration of non-premixed microscale combustion. The mixing processes of CO/O2 in a Y-shaped micro-channel with a height of 1,μm were numerically simulated using the direct simulation Monte Carlo(DSMC)method and variable soft sphere(VSS)model. The results show that gas mixing process mainly occurs at the junction of Y-shaped micro-channel. The mixing length decreases monotonously with the increase of wall temperature while increases linearly with the increase of inflow rate.Additionally,when the branch angle in large value changes,it has little influence on the mixing process,but when the branch angle in small values changes,the efficiency of gas mixing would become significantly higher with the decrease of branch angle.
出处 《燃烧科学与技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期460-465,共6页 Journal of Combustion Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51176021)
关键词 微尺度燃烧 直接模拟蒙特卡罗法 变径软球模型 Y型微通道 气体混合 micro-scale combustion direct simulation Monte Carlo variable soft sphere model Y-shaped microchannel gas mixing
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