随着工程项目规模的逐渐扩大,以及各个专业分工逐渐精细化,施工总承包方式逐渐成为建设施工项目中所采用的主要方式,而总承包服务费则成为其讨论的重点。在GB 50500-2013《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》中对总承包服务费的概念、内容以及计取方面都有了一定的调整和修改,但仍然没有对总承包服务费编制过程中的重难点做详细的分析和规定。因此,文章在对总承包服务费的内涵及其包含的三种费用进行剖析,进而对总承包服务费的计价进行分析,并给出总承包服务费的编制要点,最后通过案例分析进行了验证。以期通过对总承包服务编制问题的研究,有助于提高GB 50500-2013《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》的适用性。
With the scale of the project getting expansion, as well as a gradual refinement in each division of professional, construction general contracting mode has gradually become a major way adopted in the project of construction. The general contracting services become the focus topic in the discussion. To some extent, the Code of bills of quantities and valuation for construction works (GB50500-2013) adjusts and modifies some aspects of main contractor’s attendance, but it still has no detailed analysis and regulations on key and difficult points of main contractor ’ s attendance ’ s compilation process in the tender sum limit. In analyzing the connotation and contains three types of costs of the main contractor’ s attendance, and then dissect the turnkey service charge of valuation. What’ s more, it gives the prepare points of the main contractor’ s attendance. At last, through case analysis is verified. For Research on the preparation about main contractor’ s attendance, it can help to improve the Code of bills of quantities and valuation for construction works ( GB50500-2013 ) of suitability.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
bill of quantities
main contractor ’ s attendance
project of general contracting
cost preparation