通过对高压电力设备测温过程中存在的效率低、准确性差等问题的研究,设计了一种基于单片机MSP430F149的手持式智能测温仪。该仪器主要采用红外温度传感器、条码识别技术对设备的温度、位置等信息进行采集,并通过PB375A U盘读写技术对测量结果进行相关处理以生成标准数据报表。该测温仪极大提高了电力设备巡检过程的高效性与有效性,实现了整个测温过程的智能化。
Through the research on low efficiency and poor accuracy existed in the temperature measuring process for high - voltage power equipment, this paper introduced a handheld intelligent temperature measuring instrument which based on single chip MSP430F149. This instrument mainly used infrared temperature sensors and barcode recognition technology to collect the informa- tion of equipment such as temperature,location and so on. Furthermore, it made use of U disk read - write technology to generate standard reports from the measured data. This instrument greatly improves the efficiency and validity of electronic equipment during the routing inspection, and it helps realizing the intelligent measuring temperature process.
Instrument Technique and Sensor