SSR和SNP被推荐为玉米品种DNA指纹鉴定优选标记技术。本研究选用大面积推广的11套玉米杂交种及其亲本作为试验材料,基于SNP芯片分型平台和SSR荧光毛细管电泳平台分析比较两种标记在玉米品种真实性鉴定中的应用。基于上述两种检测平台获得3 072个SNP位点和40对SSR引物的基因型数据,分析比较各个参数。结果显示:(1)两种标记数据获得率均较高,3 072个SNP位点平均数据获得率为98.4%,40对SSR引物平均数据获得率为99.47%。(2)两种标记均具备较高品种区分能力,3 072个SNP位点平均MAF(minor allele frequency)值为0.357,MAF值大于0.30占71%,平均DP(discrimination power)值为0.515,DP大于0.5的占56%;40对SSR引物平均PIC(polymorphism information content)值为0.605,PIC大于0.51有32对,平均DP值为0.745,DP值大于0.71有29对。(3)两种标记位点鉴定样品杂合率、亲子关系方面结果是一致的,样品杂合率均介于0.4~0.6之间,平均杂合率分别为0.525和0.514;SNP数据显示符合亲子关系位点百分比介于95.2%~99.9%之间,SSR数据显示符合亲子关系位点介于36~40个之间。综上所述,SSR和SNP两种标记在数据完整性、区分品种能力、位点稳定性等方面差别较小。
SSR and SNP are recommended to varieties of maize DNA fingerprint selection markers. This article selects the widespread promotion of 11 sets of maize hybrids and their parents as research material, based on SNP chips parting platform and SSR fluorescence capillary electrophoresis analysis to compare two tags in the application of corn varieties authenticity identification. Based on the above two kinds of test platform for 3 072 SNPS loci and 40 genotype data of SSR primers, all parameters and comparative analysis. The result shows that: (1) Two tag data acquisition rate is higher, 3 072 SNPS loci data obtained at a rate of 98.4%, about 40 SSR primers data obtained at a rate of 99.47% on average. (2) Both markers are varieties of high distinguish ability, the average 3 072 SNPS loci MAF (minor allele frequency) value of 0.357, MAF value is greater than 0.30 (71%), average DP (discrimination power) value of 0.515, DP is greater than 0.5 (56%); Average PIC about 40 SSR primers (polymorphism information content) value of 0.605, has 32 of PIC is greater than 0.51, the average DP value of 0.745, 29 of the DP value is greater than 0.71. (3) Hybrid two kinds of marker loci to identify sample rate, the result is consistent with the parent-child relationship, sample hybrid rate between 0.4 to 0.6, the average hybrid rate was 0.525 and 0.525, respectively; SNP data showed that conform to the parent-child relationship loci percentage between 95.2% to 99.9%, SSR data showed that conform to the parent-child relationship loci between 36-40. Above all SSR and SNP marker in data integrity, the ability to distinguish between varieties, site stability etc., and the difference is smaller.
Molecular Plant Breeding