4James R. Holmes, Andrew C. Winner and Toshi Yoshihara. Indian Naval Strategy in the Twenty-first Century, London and New York: Routledge, 2009, p.64. 被引量:1
5See Biliana Cicin-Sain and Robert W. Knecht. The Future of U.S. Ocean Policy Choices for the New Century. Island Press, Suite 300, 1718, 2000, p.13. 被引量:1
6Thomas M. Kane, Chinese Grand Strategy and Maritime Power. London: Frank Gass Publishers, 2002, pp.l-13. 被引量:1
7Austin. Chinese Ocean Frontier: International Law, Military Force and National Development. Carberra: Allen & unwin AustraliaPty Ltd., 1998. pp. 297-326. 被引量:1