全膝关节置换术( total knee arthroplasty,TKA )可以帮助终末期膝关节疾病患者缓解疼痛、稳定关节、矫正畸形、重建关节功能是矫形外科临床常见的手术之一。在西方国家,TKA 手术的患者约为15~20/100万。近几年,随着我国人口老龄化进程发展和我国经济状况持续改善 TKA 已经成为一项安全、效价良好的成功治疗方法。对TKA患者进行康复锻炼不仅是患者获得独立生活能力的关键,而且直接影响到了手术的效果,因此越来越受到临床工作者的重视。近年来,TKA患者的康复受到国内外研究者的广泛关注。
In recent years, rehabilitation after total knee arthroplasty ( TKA ) has received widespread attention. There are few rehabilitation therapists who can provide rehabilitation guide for the patients receiving TKA in most hospitals of our country. There are some factors that may inlfuence the effects of rehabilitation after TKA, including operation timing, timing of rehabilitation intervention and postoperative rehabilitation exercise. In early postoperative period, neuromuscular electrical stimulation ( NMES ) on the quadriceps femoris can help to improve the strength of quadriceps femoris and the function of apparatus of extention knee, increase the speed of walking and promote the recovery of knee joint function. A study showed that supra-physiological doses of testosterone before TKA could improve the postoperative muscle strength, increase the functional independence measure ( FIM ) score and shorten the hospitalization time. Based on the Lesquesne questionnaire data, the health status of the patients and quality of rehabilitation after TKA can be assessed.
Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint