
HL7互操作框架与语义标准需求分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Standard Requirements for Semantic Interoperability Based on HL7 Services-Aware Interoperability Framework
摘要 为了促进标准和规范的一致性使用,实现全面的互操作性,HL7提出了互操作框架(ServicesAware Interoperability Framework,SAIF)。其中的信息框架关注静态语义,描述了概念及其组成、受控术语、非编码概念、数据类型、类、术语绑定、信息模型、模板等信息标准相关构件。综合分析SAIF和国内外卫生信息标准现状,促进语义互操作的标准应包括医学术语系统、信息模型、数据元及数据集标准、模板及文档规范等类型,各类标准之间密切关联,相互依赖。因此,各类标准的开发应保持协调和同步。我国目前主要的语义标准需求包括健全数据标准体系、建立元数据维护机制;规划和逐步建立满足临床信息化需要的医学术语系统。 For the consistent use of standards and comprehensive interoperability, HL7 international provided the Services-Aware Interoperability Framework (SAIF). The information framework of SAIF addresses static semantics, and described standard elements such as concept and its components, controlled terminology, un-encoded concept, data type, class object, terminology binding, information model and template. From SAIF, a standard system for semantic interoperability can be derived that composed of medical terminology, information model, data standard and data set, template and sharable document specifications. Each type of standards relates to and relies on one another, constituting an integral system. Thus, standard developing should take into account of the interrelation among each type of standards and keep the developing process synchronization. By analyzing currently available standards, the major need for semantic standards currently in China might be defining metadata and registry mechanism for data standardization and developing computer interpretable medical terminology systems.
出处 《中国卫生信息管理杂志》 2014年第4期376-380,共5页 Chinese Journal of Health Informatics and Management
关键词 卫生信息标准 语义互操作性 元数据 信息模型 HL7 Health information standard, Semantic interoperability, Metadata, Information model, HL7
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