
传染病医院护理人员姑息护理态度调查及其影响因素分析 被引量:11

Investigation and analysis of influencing factors on palliative care attitude of nurses in infectious diseases hospital
摘要 目的:调查传染病医院护士姑息护理态度,分析其影响因素,为进一步开展姑息护理实践提供依据。方法:对我院143名护理人员进行姑息护理态度问卷调查,问卷内容包括一般资料、姑息护理态度两部分。根据调查结果,对影响姑息护理态度的因素进行分析。结果:我院护士姑息护理态度问卷得分较低,专业职责和角色(维度1)均分为(2.95±0.34)分、姑息护理有效性(维度2)均分为(3.22±0.31)分、护患沟通(维度3)均分为(2.54±0.43)分,总问卷均分为(2.96±0.36)分,姑息护理有效性、专业职责和角色得分好于护患沟通。影响我院护理人员姑息态度得分主要因素有职称、学历、科室和护理过肝癌/艾滋病晚期患者人数。结论:我院护理人员照顾晚期患者的态度不积极,加强姑息护理的培训显得尤为重要。 Objective:To Investigate and analyse influencing factors on palliative care attitude of nurses in infectious diseases hospital. Methods:Palliative care attitude questionnaire which includes general information and palliative care attitude was utilized to investigate 143 nurses in our hospital. According to the survey results, factors affecting palliative care attitude were analysed. Results:Palliative care attitude score was low. Average scores of attitude for all items in the questionnaire was (2.96±0.36) points, professional duties and roles(dimension 1) was (2.95±0.34) points, palliative care effectiveness (dimension 2) was (3.22±0.31) points and nurse-patient communication (dimension 3) was (2.54±0.43) points. The scores of palliative care effectiveness and professional duties and roles were better than nurse-patient communication. The factors inlfuencing palliative care attitude included nurse title, education level, department and nursing number of patients with liver cancer or advanced AIDS. Conclusion:The attitude of nurses who take care of advanced patients in our hospital is negative. It is very important to strengthen palliative care training.
出处 《中国护理管理》 CSCD 2014年第9期931-935,共5页 Chinese Nursing Management
基金 杭州市医药卫生科技计划项目(2010B019)
关键词 姑息护理态度 传染病医院 护理人员 palliative care attitude infectious diseases hospital nurses
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