
2013年全球常规油气勘探特点及趋势 被引量:4

Characteristics and trends in global conventional oil and gas exploration in 2013
摘要 2013年,全球新发现常规油气田343个,合计新增原油探明储量6.85亿吨、天然气探明储量9.58亿吨油当量,各主要油气区分布极不均衡。除天然气和海域等仍是主要勘探热点外,2013年常规油气勘探还有五大新趋势:1)非洲成为全球油气勘探新增储量最大地区,东非裂谷系成为陆上油气勘探亮点;2)海域从重点领域转向"百花齐放"态势,成熟海域勘探复苏,新领域苗头显现;3)独立石油公司作为勘探的主力军崭露头角,国家石油公司参与性增强;4)油气政策、合同条款、油气市场等非技术因素将在一定程度上影响全球未来勘探开发方向。未来多方式积极布局海域油气是中国石油公司海外业务可持续发展的必要条件之一,同时要突出合理优化各区业务结构。 In 2013 there were 343 newly discovered conventional oil and gas fields, added 685 million tons of proved oil reserves and 958 million tons of oil equivalent of proved gas reserves, with extremely uneven distribution of the major oil and gas areas. In recent years annual newly discovered reserves of oil and gas have steadily decreased. In addition to the main conventional exploration hot spots of natural gas and deep water oil & gas, there were four trends in conventional oil and gas in 2013: 1) Africa became the region of the world with the largest newly discovered estimated oil and gas exploration reserves and the Great East African Rift(Valley/Basin) System(EARS) became the highlight of onshore oil and gas exploration. 2) Offshore exploration and discoveries expanded from the main deep water areas to all offshore areas, mature offshore field exploration recovered and the fi rst signs of new fi elds emerged. 3) Independent oil companies became the up-and-coming force and national oil company participation was enhanced. 4) Nontechnical factors like oil and gas policy, contract terms, the oil and gas market etc. will affect the direction of global oil and gas exploration and development to some extent. Multi-mode active layout of offshore oil and gas is a necessary condition for sustainable development of Chinese oil companies' business abroad, while rational optimization of regional business structures needs highlighting.
出处 《国际石油经济》 2014年第8期41-47,111,共7页 International Petroleum Economics
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