我国经济社会长期存在二元结构,城市和农村的社会保障制度差异较大。城镇化速度的加快给社会保障带来了新的挑战。上海市于2002年建立了外来人口综合保险制度(简称综保),以保障外来人员的社会保障权益,该制度获得了迅速发展。随着我国社会保障事业的稳步推进,统一社会保障制度成了必然趋势。2011年上海市进行综保改革,将综保政策纳入城镇职工社会保险体系,但其对原综保参保人员缴费年限改革的规定较为模糊,社会效益和既得利益难以兼顾。据此,以经济学原理为依托,建立相关精算模型对其进行研究。其结果显示:若政府放弃原综保参保人员缴费年限,那么只要原综保参保人员中有超过163 097人主动或被动地被挤出上海市劳动力市场,就会使综保改革的机会成本大于既得利益,社会效益就会因此受损。
There has long existed in our country a dual structure in urban and rural economy. And the difference between city and countryside in the social security system is rather great. The new acceleration of urbanization in China has brought new challenge to the social security system. Shanghai established a migrant population comprehensive insurance as early as in 2002 to safeguard the social fee security rights of migrant workers and the system achieved a rapid development. With the steady growth of our social security system,a unified social security system has become a inevitable tendency. In 2011,Shanghai municipal government carried out a "comprehensive security"reform which brought the "comprehensive security"policy into the system of social insurance for urban workers,in which the stipulation was quite fuzzy for the migrant workers in original"comprehensive security"system to pay fees for a fixed number of years. As a result,the social benefit and the vested interest may be difficult to balance. With regard to this situation,this paper,based on the principle of economics and the establishment of some actuarial models,found that: if the government abandoned the payment period for"comprehensive security"by the original migrant workers who exceeded totality of 163,100 and retreated or were forced to withdraw from the labor market in Shanghai,the opportunity cost of the "comprehensive security"reform would be greater than the vested interest and the social benefit would be damaged consequently.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
"comprehensive security"reform
optimal policy arrangement
payment period
opportunity cost