以膨胀倍数为主要考察指标评价了一种预交联凝胶颗粒的膨胀性能。结果表明,颗粒粒径越小,温度越高,膨胀速率越快。粒径和温度主要影响凝胶颗粒的膨胀速率,对最终膨胀倍数没有显著影响,颗粒自身分子结构是影响膨胀性能的关键。由于高价盐离子对负离子的强中和屏蔽作用,Ca2+比Na+对颗粒吸水膨胀的制约性更强。在80℃、水矿化度3.1×104mg/L条件下,颗粒浸泡80 d,膨胀倍数保留率98%以上,且柔顺性、韧性和粘弹性均保持较好。预交联颗粒在白于山长4+5裂缝性油藏现场应用14口井,调剖后,注水压力平均上升2.8 MPa,地层裂缝带得到了有效封堵,水驱剖面得到了调整,注水开发状况变好。
The water-swelling properties of a precrosslinked gel particles(PGP)is studied by investigating its swelling times. Experiment shows the swelling rate of PGP is obviously quickened in relatively larger temperature conditions, the same as relatively bigger size of PGP. Size of PGP and temperature just influence the swelling rate but final swelling times.Moreover, molecular microstructure is the key factor of influenced swelling features of PGP.Because of the strong neutralization and shielding of high salt ions by acting on anion, the conditionality of Ca2+on water-swelling features is more significant than that of Na+.The retention rate of swelling times is above 98 % at 80 ℃ and salinity of 3.1 ×10^4mg/L for 80 days. Furthermore, the PGP maintained good flexibility, toughness and viscoelasticity. The PGP as profile control agent is applied in Baiyushan Chang4+5 block for 14 injection wells.Water injection pressure of 14 wells increased by 2.8 MPa averagely after profile control.Water index curves,pressure drop curve and water injection profile data shows that PGP sealed off fractures and high permeability zones effectively. Water injection profile is adjusted and waterflooding effect is improved significantly.
Petrochemical Industry Application
pre-crosslinked gel particles
swelling properties
swelling times
field application