Recently, the spectroscopic signatures of a benzoselenadiazole derivative have been investigated in the framework of designing a new ratiometric fluoride sensor (Saravanan et al., Org Lett, 2014, 16: 354-357). It was suggested that this sensor is un- dergoing excited-state intramolecular proton transfer. In this work, we provide a new look at these experimental data, using a state-of-the-art time-dependent density fimctiona/theory approach to mimic the spectroscopic signatures. New insights about the nature of the excited-state processes are obtained.
Recently, the spectroscopic signatures of a benzoselenadiazole derivative have been investigated in the framework of designing a new ratiometric fluoride sensor(Saravanan et al., Org Lett, 2014, 16: 354–357). It was suggested that this sensor is undergoing excited-state intramolecular proton transfer. In this work, we provide a new look at these experimental data, using a state-of-the-art time-dependent density functional theory approach to mimic the spectroscopic signatures. New insights about the nature of the excited-state processes are obtained.
D.Jacquemm acknowledges the European Research Council(ERC)
the Règion des Pays de la Loire for financial support in the framework of a Starting Grant(Marches-278845)
a recrutement sur poste stratègique,respectively