Since market liquidity is considered as one of the most important factors in the measurement of capital market efficiency and development, the event-study method based on its short-term fluctuation has been justified as a proper method to evaluate the market performance. However, in the long run, the event-study and the theory based on market frictions are unable to explain the different performance of similar institutions in different periods. This paper relaxes the assumption that monetary shocks and institutional changes affect the capital market liquidity through separate channels, and develops a theoretical model that the liquidity is influenced by monetary conditions, the information disclosure system and trading costs. We then empirically test the model with China's macro and financial data between 1998 and the first quarter of 2014.The conclusion shows that the positive effects on market liquidity from the institutional change of improving the quality of information disclosure is larger at monetary expansion periods, and the effects from the institutional change of reducing the trading cost is weakened, and vice versa. Meanwhile, monetary shocks have time-varying effects on market liquidity. The effects of similar institutional adjustments on the long run efficiency have significant discrepancies with different monetary conditions. Taking into account the interactions between macro-monetary policies and micro-market institutions may contribute to optimizing the timing of our capital market institutional reform and improving the veracity of institution performance evaluations.
Financial Regulation Research
Monetary Policy
Institutional Change
Market Liquidity