

Missionaries,Partisans or Volunteers?Towards a Paradigm Shift in Voluntary Associations in Argentina
摘要 在阿根廷学术界,有关各种社会活动的研究,特别是针对2001年危机之后的各种集会等活动的研究很多,然而,对非营利性福利型志愿者组织等类型的社会活动的研究却付之阙如。此外,在阿根廷,有关社会组织参与者的研究,相关资料残缺不全,学术界对其也漠不关心,仅有的只是一些关于社会组织的类型学研究以及/或者其对国内生产总值的贡献的衡量。文章基于托克维尔、杜威、哈贝马斯和森等学者关于民主的概念,就志愿者组织对阿根廷政治社会生活民主化的影响进行了思考。在此基础上,文章解读了在布宜诺斯艾利斯自治市及大布宜诺斯艾利斯进行的定性、定量研究中的一些结果。 The main objective of this paper is to study the organization, structure and attitudinal profiles of vol- untary associations in the City of Buenos Aires and in the 1 st and 2nd rings of the Great Buenos Aires. More precisely, it aims to give an account of the processes of marketization and professionalization of voluntary associ- ations following TocqueviUe's inspiration. The provisional conclusions that are presented here show intra - dis- cursive ambiguities and tensions, as well as between discourse and practices. Participation is highly valued, in- dependent of its contribution to efficiency, but, at the same time, its practice is restricted~ particularly in rela- tion to decision making and administration. With reference to the quality of participation, the distinction be- tween the "we" and the "others" is remarkable. There is a clear line between volunteers and non -volunteers and between high intra - group trust and the lack of inter - group trust.
出处 《经济社会体制比较》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期118-129,共12页 Comparative Economic & Social Systems
关键词 志愿者组织 民主 阿根廷 Voluntary Association Democracy Argentina
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