
新经济社会学的社会关系网络理论述评 被引量:11

Social Network Theory New Economic Sociology Review
摘要 近年来,国内外学者对新经济社会经济学的社会关系网络理论十分关注,出现了一些研究成果。社会关系网络体现为个体的人或社会活动主体在从事各种社会活动中与人类社会建立的有着特定的联系的实体空间及虚拟空间结构。对社会关系网络的研究可从"嵌入性"理论、联结理论、分类理论、市场网络理论、网络组织理论、功能理论及社会关系网络与资本的关系几方面进行。 In recent years, scholars of social network theory of new economic and social economics is very concerned, there have been some research results. Social relation network embodied in individual or social activity main body engaged in a variety of social activities associated with human society to establish a specific physical space and virtual space structure. The study of social networks can from "embeddedness" theory, the coupling theory, classification theory, market network theory, network organization theory, function theory and the relationship between the social relation network and capital several aspects.
作者 蒋海曦 蒋瑛
出处 《河北经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期150-158,共9页 Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business
关键词 新经济社会学 社会关系网络 理论述评 马克思 物质关系 思想关系 经济行为 稀有资源 new economic sociology, social relationship networks, theory review, Marx, physical relationship, ideologicalrelationship, economic behavior, scarce resources
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