
技术标准制定参与人违反FRAND许可承诺的法律后果 被引量:8

The Legal Liability of Breach of FRAND Commitment of Participants to Technical Standard
摘要 公平、合理且无歧视许可承诺(FRAND许可承诺)已经成为技术标准制定组织所采用的一般政策。知识产权人一旦做出FRAND许可承诺,即应该受到相应的法律约束,同时,违反FRAND承诺应该承担相应的法律后果。对此,提出五种理论。相比之下,侵权行为论和垄断行为论最弱,缔约过失论、不正当竞争行为论和权利滥用论则更为成熟。具体来说,如果违反FRAND许可承诺,知识产权人可因违反《民法通则》第4条而构成滥用权利,致使相关专利权失效;技术标准实施人可依照缔约过失论或不正当竞争行为论,分别援引《合同法》第42条或《反不正当竞争法》第2条,请求承诺违反人赔偿损失,包括因FRAND许可承诺违法使其遭受的纯粹经济损失。 Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) commitment has now been part of the prevalent policy adopted by technical standard setting organizations. The holder of Intellectual property right is bound to legal restriction and liability once he made such commitment. This article puts forward five theories, it is difficult to prove breach of FRAND commitment through torts under Chinese Tort Liability Law or abuse of dominant position under Chinese Anti-monopoly Law, however, it is easier to establish the breach through culpa in contrahendo, unfair competition act, or abuse of rights. Specifically, the IPR holders who breach FRAND commitment can be sued for abused of rights invoked by Article 4 General Principles of Civil Law, resulting in failure of the relevant patents. In addition, they can be sued for culpa in contrahendo invoked by Article 42 Contract Law or for unfair competition act invoked by Article 2 Anti-unfair Competition Law. And can be claimed to compensate, including pure economic loss suffered by the interested parties due to the breach of FRAND commitment.
出处 《知识产权》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期45-49,71,共6页 Intellectual Property
基金 浙江大学光华法学院985项目支持 浙江省社会科学界联合会"之江青年社科学者行动计划"配套课题部分研究成果
关键词 FRAND许可承诺 缔约过失责任 不正当竞争 权利滥用 滥用市场支配地位 FRAND commitment culpa in contrahendo unfair competition abuse of rights abuse ofdominant position
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