Objective To observe the effects of P inggan Y ishen Jianpi decoction ( PYJD) com bined w ith lifestyle intervention in patients w ith prehypertension traditionalChinese m edicine(TCM) sym ptom s ,blood pressure ,blood lipid and body m ass index (BMI) . M ethods S ixty six patients w ith prehypertension w ere random ly divided into the treatm ent group 34 cases ,the contro lgroup 32 ca-ses ,bo th groups for ha lf a year’ s lifestyle intervention ,and the treatm ent group w as g iven the P inggan Y ishen JianpiFang on the ba-sis of the lifestyle intervention ,The blood pressure levels ,therapeutic effect of syndrom e ,blood lipids ,BM Iof patients in the tw o group w ere observed before and after treatm ent.Results Tw o groups of systo lic and diasto lic blood pressure ,blood lipid,BM Iw ere de-creased ,com pared w ith before ,and the treatm ent group’ s blood pressure and blood trig lyceride levels low er than the contro lgroup , there w as significant difference( P〈0.05) .TCM sym ptom s w ere im proved ,w hich in treatment group improved more obvious( P〈0.05) . C onclusion On the basis of the lifestyle intervention ,early intervention for prehypertension by PYJD had good clinical curative effect.
Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease
Pinggan Yishen Jianpi decoction
lifestyle intervention
traditionalC hinese m edicine sym ptom s