针对欧盟议会和欧盟理事会发布的RoHS指令所限制使用的有害物质铅元素,本文在X射线荧光光谱仪筛选的基础上,使用微波消解系统对电子电气产品聚合物部件进行消解,并用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)对检测样品中的铅元素含量进行检测.本方法中铅元素的加标回收率范围在100.7 %~105.6%,结果表明,其相对标准偏差范围为1.5%~1.9%,方法检出限为0.014 mg/kg和0.006 ng/kg(分别对应于铅元素分析波长182.1 nm和220.4 nm时),完全符合欧盟法令的要求.本方法适用于检测电子电气产品聚合物部件中铅的含量,操作简单快捷,测定结果准确,精密度高,可应用于企业原材料筛选、生产分析和产品质量控制.
Abstract: For the European Parliament and the European Council issued RollS directive restricting the use of the lead element of hazardous substances, the microwave digestion system is used to digest the polymer components of electrical and electronic products on the basis of the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer screening and the inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) is used to determine the lead element content in the testing samples. The recovery of standard addition about the lead element is 100.7 %-105.6 % using this method. The results suggest that the relative standard deviation is in the range of 1.5 % to 1.9 % and the method detection limit is 0.014 mg/kg or 0.006 mg/kg respectively corresponding to the analytical spectral lines wavelength of t82.1 nm or 220.4 nm about the lead element. So the results fully comply with EU regulations. This method is suitable for the determination of the lead element content in the polymer components of electrical and electronic products because of its simple and efficient operation, accurate measurement and high precision. It can be used in materials selection, production analysis, and product quality control for enterprise.
Guangdong Chemical Industry
electrical and electronic products
lead element
microwave digestion