文章于2014年4月1日~4月30日在吉林师范大学对大气污染物PM10、NOx和SO2进行监测.采暖期,PM10、NOx和SO2的浓度分别为150.9 μg/m3、46.4 μg/m3和27.3 μg/m3,虽没有超过空气质量标准,但是其数值都比非采暖期高.采暖期PM10浓度为非采暖期的1.6倍,NOx和SO2的浓度分别为非采暖期的1.3倍和1.8倍.无论是采暖期还是非采暖期,AQI指数与PM10浓度呈强相关性,说明PM10为四平市首要大气污染物.
A measurement program was undertaken in spring city during April 1 to April 30 in 2014. The average concentrations ofPM10, NOx, SO., during the Heating Period were 150.9μg/m3, 46.4 μg/m3 and 27.3 μg/m3, respectively, which were lower than those in the daily vale of China's National Air Quality Standard. While the average concentrations of PM10, NOx, SO2 during the Heating Period were 1.6, 1.3 and 1.8 times higher than those during Non-Heating Period. PM10 was the primary air pollutant in Siping which due to both in the Heating Period and Non-Heating Period, AQI index and PM10 concentration were strong positive correlation.
Guangdong Chemical Industry