

Effects of Application of S-induced Anti-hormone on Dry Direct Seeding Rice in Yellow River Irrigation Area of Ningxia
摘要 探讨了S-诱抗素在宁夏引黄灌区旱直播水稻上的应用效果。结果表明:S-诱抗素浸种处理和亮盾拌种处理发芽势相对较高,分别为62.67%和70.67%。水稻单产以亮盾最高,为10 200.0 kg/hm2;其次为S-诱抗素拌种处理,产量为9850.5 kg/hm2。S-诱抗素有利于水稻幼苗根系的生长;亮盾、S-诱抗素拌种,可提高植株抗性。 The effects of application of S-induced anti-hormone on dry direct seeding rice in Yellow River irrigation area of Ningxia were studied. The results showed that the germination potentials with the treatments of soaking with S-induced an-ti-hormone solution and dressing with Liangdun were relatively high, namely, 62.67% and 70.67% respectively. The yield with the treatment of Liangdun was the highest, namely, 10 200.0 kg/hm2 and the yield with the treatment of S-induced an-ti-hormone was the second, namely, 9 850.5 kg/hm2. The S-induced anti-hormone was conducive to the root growth of rice seedlings and dressing with Liangdun and S-induced anti-hormone could improve the plant resistance.
出处 《宁夏农林科技》 2014年第6期5-7,共3页 Journal of Ningxia Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology
基金 宁夏农垦局农业综合开发土地治理项目(NKKJ-2013-07)
关键词 S-诱抗素 旱直播水稻 发芽率 产量 发病率 S-induced anti-hormone Dry direct seeding rice Germination rate Yield Disease incidence
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