

Task allocation model for CNC machine tools repair and maintenance services
摘要 针对数控机床维修维护服务任务分配过程中需在保证服务技术质量的前提下进行多目标决策的问题,构建了一种面向数控机床维修维护服务的任务分配模型。首先解析了数控机床维修维护任务分配时所需的故障特征知识和人员特性,并对各特性知识进行了形式化说明,采用加权欧氏距离的方法计算维修维护质量需求与人员特性的匹配度;其次根据匹配度值剔除了不合理匹配的方案,并结合其它决策目标采用层次分析法(AHP)对保留方案进行了评估,最后通过实例进行验证。 In order to resolve the multi-objective decision-making problem under the premise of ensuring the service technology quality in the task allocation of CNC machine tools repair and maintenance services, a task allocation model of CNC machine tools repair and maintenance services was put forward. Firstly, fault knowledge features and personnel characteristics which were required in this field were analysed and specified formally, and the method of weighted Euclidean distance was adopted to calculate the matching degree between personnel characteristics and quality requirements of repair and maintenance services. Secondly, the unreasonable schemes were eliminated according to the matching degree, and in combination with other decision objectives. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied to evaluate the retained schemes. Finally, it is verified by an application case.
作者 路苗苗
出处 《机械》 2014年第9期4-10,29,共8页 Machinery
基金 国家863重点项目(2012AA041306)
关键词 维修维护服务 任务分配 加权欧氏距离 AHP repair and maintenance services task allocation weighted Euclidean distance AHP
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