文章针对当前某能源公司所属的11台200 MW等级发电机组供电标准煤耗率偏高的现状进行了简要说明,并与省内同类型机组供电标准煤耗率的最优质进行了对比,对导致该能源公司200 MW等级机组供电标准煤耗率偏高的主要问题做了分析;结合以往的改造经验,对机组经济性指标偏差的影响因素进行了总结;列举该能源公司所属某电厂的#2机组整体优化改造项目作为改造实例,说明整体优化改造项目不仅具有良好的经济效益,还具有节能和环保的社会效益,使发电企业"十二五"期间的节能减排目标得到进一步的保证,更会对企业的可持续发展产生积极影响和促进作用。
In this paper, the status quo of 11 sets of 200MW turbines with high coal consumption rate are briefly described and compared with that of other similar turbines in Heilongjiang Province. The causes that lead to high coal consumption rate for these 200MW unit power generators were analyzed. Based on previous experience of transformation, the impact of economic factors on the unit index deviation were summarized by taking # 2 units of a power plant as an example to demonstrate that the construction project not only has good economic benefits, but also has social benefits of energy conservation and environmental protection. This result provides gurantee for the achievement of energy saving and emission reduction targets during the "Twelve Five - year Plan", having a positive influence and role in promoting sustainable development of enterprises.
Environmental Science and Management