目的蛇床子素温敏型凝胶剂的研制,并建立其含量测定方法。方法建立用HPLC法测定制剂的含量及体外释药量。采用搅拌子法测定相变温度并测定其动态黏度,从而确定处方。用转篮法进行处方的体外释放实验。结果确定蛇床子素温敏型凝胶的最佳基质配比是质量分数为25%的泊洛沙姆407和质量分数为10%的泊洛沙姆188的组合。结论该制剂制备工艺简单,进入体内形成凝胶并且24 h累计释放药物约83%。含量测定方法操作简便、快速准确。
Objective To study osthole of thermosensitive gel and to determine content of osthole in thermosensitive gel. MethodsThe content and the release amount of osthole from the gel base were determined by HPLC. The gel temperature of the various concen-trations of polymer solution was studied by using stirring method and the viscosity of gel was monitored under different temperatures. Re-lease behaviors in vitro were explored in a dissolution apparatus by basket-rolling method from the gel base. Results 25% Poloxmar 407 and 10% poloxmar 188 were suitable concentrations for the formulation of osthole thermosensitive gel. Conclusions The prepara-tion of osthole in thermosensitive gel was convenient and feasible. The osthole inthermosensitive gel forms gel in vivo and 24-hour cumu-lative drug release is about 83%. The established method is simple,rapid and accurate.
Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal