凡口铅锌矿能源监控与管理系统采用西门子WinCC OA(PVSS)作为开发平台,Oracle为数据库系统,系统包括能源计量管理、能耗设备管理、故障报警管理、能源建模预测、能源计划、能源统计分析等功能模块。系统运行可靠,能有效提高矿山的能源管理水平。该系统在有色行业企业和国内矿山能源管理系统具有典型性,有较好的应用推广价值。
Energy management system adopts the Siemens configuration software WinCC OA(PVSS) as the development platform and Oracle as the database system, the PVSS-based mining enterprise energy management system was developed. The paper introduces the architecture of software and hardware of non-ferrous-metal industry energy management system, energy management system function module and implementation. The system includes energy measurement, energy equipment management, real-time alarm management, predictive modeling, energy planning, energy statistics functional modules. The reliable system can effectively improve the level of energy management of mining enterprises, having a good application value.