

Study on Influential Factors of Drying Shrinkage of Contact Angle-based Cement Paste with Low Water-binder Ratio
摘要 该文介绍了一种基于表面物理化学中薄层渗透原理的水泥基材料接触角测试方法,结合Washburn方程x2=(Refft/2η)γ1cosθ,得出了模拟孔溶液对水泥浆体的接触角,研究了减水剂和矿物掺合料对水泥净浆接触角和干燥收缩的影响,结果表明:接触角越大液体越不易浸润毛细孔孔壁,孔中液相表面张力越小引起的毛细孔压力越小,干燥收缩越小,反之亦然。 Test methods for contact angle of cement-based material based on surface physical chemical thin-layer wicking theory are introduced and, combined with Washburn equationx2=(Reft/2η)γ1cosθ,the contact angle of cement paste to the analog hole solution is obtained. The impact of water reducer and mineral admixtures on cement paste contact angle and drying shrinkage is studied. The results showe that the larger the contact angle is, the harder liquid infiltrates the capillary wall, the smaller the surface tension of the liquid in the hole is, the smaller the pressure caused by pores is, the smaller the drying shrinkage is, and vice versa.
出处 《重庆建筑》 2014年第9期53-55,共3页 Chongqing Architecture
基金 重庆市自然科学基金项目(项目编号:cstc2013jjA50010) 重庆市科委应用开发项目(项目编号:cstc2013yykfA0153)论文之一
关键词 水泥基材料 干燥收缩 薄层渗透 接触角 cement-based materials drying shrinkage thin-layer wicking contact angle
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