以我国海岸带为研究对象,从北往南依次选取了覆盖山东青岛、江苏盐城和浙江温州海岸带的6景资源三号(ZY-3)传感器校正产品,利用实测像控点开展了影像自主定位精度评价,并将其结果与覆盖相同区域的SPOT5影像进行了比较。在此基础上,利用实测地面控制点和国家1∶5万比例尺DEM产品对覆盖青岛和温州的全色影像进行了正射校正实验,分析控制点数量与分布对校正精度的影响。研究发现:在无控制点情况下,ZY-3全色影像的平面校正精度平均为19.6 m,多光谱影像的平面校正精度为23.0 m,均优于SPOT5卫星影像的校正精度;用1个角点作为控制点,可达到优于2个像元的校正精度,用4个角点作为控制点,校正精度在1个像元左右;以向陆一侧的2个角点作为控制点,可达到优于3 m的校正精度,但采用3个控制点时,校正精度较低,特别是向海一侧影像的校正精度更低。上述研究结果表明,ZY-3影像在少量控制点下即可达到较高的校正精度,能够满足海岸带遥感调查工作的精度要求。
With China's coastal zone as the research area, 6 ZY -3 sensor corrected products were chosen for evaluation, which covered Qingdao of Shandong, Yancheng of Jiangsu and Wenzhou of Zhejiang from north to south. The authors used high accuracy GPS points to evaluate the autonomous positioning precision in comparison with SPOT5 images. Then DOMs were generated with high accuracy GPS points as ground control points( GCPs) and national 1:50 000 DEM products, and the influences of the quantity and distribution of GCPs were analyzed. The results show that the average autonomous positioning precision of ZY -3 panchromatic image and that of multispectral image are 19. 6 m and 23. 0 m, respectively. The autonomous positioning precisions of ZY -3 panchromatic image and multispectral image are better than the precision of SPOT5 images. With 1 GCP at the four corners, the positioning precision of DOM is less than 2 pixels. With 4 GCPs, the positioning precision of DOM is about 1 pixel. With 2 landside corner GCPs, the positioning precision of DOM is less than 3 m. With 3 landside GCPs , the positioning precision of DOM is lower than that of 2 landside GCPs, especially at the seaside. The results show that, with a few GCPs, ZY -3 DOM can reach high accuracy and satisfy the need of coastal zone remote sensing survey.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources